

Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to convert and import Excel glossary into Trados SDL MultiTerm

In this article I will provide a simple guide to convert and import a Microsoft Excel glossary file into Trados SDL MultiTerm.
>>For more detail with pictures please read Convert Excel with descriptive fields into termbase

We do this process through 3 simple steps.
Step 0: Prepare an Excel file with header fields.
(For example, 3 columns of terms: First column are terms in Vietnamese language with header field "Vietnamese", second column are terms in Japanese language with header field "Japanese", third column are terms in English with header field "English". You can choose any name for header fields.)

Excel file example (with 3 languages):

Excel file example: 1st column is Vietnamese term list with header field "Vietnamese"
2nd column is Japanese term list with header field "Japanese"
3rd column is English term list with header field "English"

Step 1: Using MultiTerm Convert.exe to convert Excel file into XML file.
Choose "Microsoft Excel format".

The wizard will list header fiels for you and you have to match each header field with a proper language e.g. Vietnamese language for "Vietnamese" header field, etc.

Step 2: Using MultiTerm.exe to import XML file into MultiTerm termbase.

Open the termbase you created previously, click "Termbase Management" in lower left corner to show "Catalog Categories" tree, right click "Import" and click "Process".

For full process please see this Japanese article: EXCELをトラドスMultiTermに変換する簡単なガイド (2018)
English guide and PDF manual by Jayne Fox (2012): How to import a bilingual Excel glossary into MultiTerm – for use in Trados Studio
Video guide by SDL Trados (Youtube 2015): How to convert a Microsoft Excel File to SDL MultiTerm

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Unicode lookup tools for Vietnamese characters

Method 1: Unicode Lookup

URL: https://unicodelookup.com/

For example: thiên tài (genius)

Method 2: Unicode character table

URL: https://unicode-table.com/en/

For example: ê

And many other websites to look up unicode for Vietnamese characters.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Online Vietnamese spell check

Note: This is for fun and reference only. We do not use external or online tools for our works due to our privacy policy. We develop our own tools such as dictionaries for spell checking using MS Office.

Online Vietnamese spell check for fun and personal uses

We use this online tool: http://vspell.com/Spell


To test this Vietnamese online spell checking service, we use our samples:
Phát âm không dùng (unused spell):
bớc, buỡng, guợc, huổm, muốm, quyếc, quyểng
Phát âm không có từ (right spell but not in any word):
bàm, chuẫn, chậng, ghện, ghền, hoãng, phưỡng
Sai chính tả thứ tự chữ (misspell of wrong letter order):
htứ, chươgn, rtá, hcốt, nhgề gnhiệp, kỷ cơưng, dễin tồung
Sai chính tả gõ sai (typo):
gnhiax hiepj, lihcj htieepj, lihr kinhr, chôp giuwtj, tươngz tư
Sai chính tả bỏ dấu sai (wrong tone position):
hoà haỏ tuỳ ý mừơng tựơng tíêng nứơc lâỳ lôị, đùê hùê quê muà bíết túột

For right spell checking, we use samples in What are Vietnamese characters.

Seeing is believing //百聞は一見に如かず. Here's the test result:
Vietnamese text with right spell: No Vietnamese spell errors highlighted

Vietnamese text with wrong spell: Only wrong spells highlighted

Works perfectly. However, not all Vietnamese words are registered so some words might be mistakenly recognized as misspell, e.g. 'đằng đẵng' (state of having been waiting for someone for a long time with a faint hope to see him/her again) will produce highlighted errors even though they are right spells:

Example sentence: Chờ đợi người ấy đằng đẵng bao năm tháng.

Check result:

It seems that VSpell checks whole words rather than each spell and not always produces right check result. (Above sentence is pefectly right.)

For Vietnamese spell checking with software

You can make Vietnamese spell checking dictionaries for Microsoft Office as we did or use third parties' softwares like VCatSpell of VietCatholic website. >>Download VCatSpell

VCatSpell can work with opened MS Word document and highlight misspells in yellow.

For more tools please check 'Vietnamese spell checking' page of Chu Viet Nhanh website:

How to type Vietnamese online

Some website for typing Vietnamese without any IME software.
>>Vietnamese input method

VNTyping Typing Vietnamese online using AJAX

URL: https://vntyping.com

UsefulWebTool Vietnamese Keyboard Online

URL: http://usefulwebtool.com/en/vietnamese-keyboard.php
*Use mouse click.

AngelTech - Typing Vietnamese online anywhere


Google Translate: Input Vietnamese using voice

Translation rule of 'や', 'など', 'et cetera', 'etc'

Rule: et cetera, など = vân vân / vv
We use 'vv' instead of 'v.v...' or 'v.v.' for simplification, and prevent too many punctiations like "v.v...,".

などvân vân v.v... v.v. vvet cetera etc.

Vietnamese IME: GoTiengViet

Official website/Download: http://www.trankynam.com/gotv/
Price: Free (there's a pricing option for MacOS)
Supported OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux
Version: 32 bit / 64 bit
File size: 1,205 KB / 497 KB (.NET version)

How to install GoTiengViet?

It's a portable app. Just download zip file from website and unzip it. This is what we get after unzipping:

'Resources' folder and 32 bit application file and 64 bit application file.
'Resouces' folder:

Just double click 'GoTiengViet.exe' ơ 'GoTiengViet64.exe' (64 bit) to run.

After GoTiengViet has started, this 'V' dark red icon appear in task bar:

Click it to change to change to English typing mode with 'E' blue icon:

How to use GoTiengViet app to type Vietnamese letters?

Some Vietnamese input methods (Mark input & Yurica Input)

For reference and our office works.

You can set these rules in Unikey as 'User defined' input method..

ăvrv / w
êwxe / v
Tone \ òqqf
Tone / ókzk
Tone ? ỏzbl
Tone ~ õsws
Tone . (dot) ọxvj
Tone input positionAfter vowel/End of wordAfter vowel/End of wordAfter vowel/End of word

How to auto text Vietnamese words with Unikey


For example typing "Vn" for "Việt Nam", "Jp" for "Japan" using free soft Unikey.

Open control panel by right click 'V' or 'E' icon:

Check all options in 'Macro options' and click 'Macro table...' to open Autotext table editor:

Input values in boxes and click 'Add' button to add. If you want to replace an existing auto text shortcut, choose that entry, input new value pair and 'Replace' button.

Press 'OK' to save.

A file name 'ukmacro.txt' will appear in Unikey folder:

This is its content:
;DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE*** version=1 ***
sg:sài gòn
vn:việt nam
Now you can open a document etc. to test by typing jp, JP, Jp, vn, VN, Vn. Here's the result:
jp => japan
Jp => Japan
vn => việt nam
Vn => Việt Nam
The case of replaced word will match the case of the shortcut you type (i.e. Lower/Upper/Proper).


If you press 'Select file...' button, the app will crash and cause a little freeze to your PC. If you edit ukmacro.txt file, it will not work. This is obviously a bug but not seems to be fixed soon.

In most case of manual operation, ukmacro.txt file will be erased. That means you have to manually input each auto text shortcut and pay attention not to touch this file nor press any button.

I don't recommend you to use auto text (or 'macro') of this app.

What are Vietnamese characters?


Vietnamese character list

Lower case //小文字Upper case //大文字
à á ả ã ạ ă ắ ặ â ấ ậ đ è é ẻ ẽ ẹ ê ề ế ể ễ ệ ì í ỉ ĩ ị ò ó ỏ õ ọ ô ồ ố ổ ỗ ộ ơ ờ ớ ở ỡ ợ ù ú ủ ũ ụ ư ừ ứ ử ữ ự ỳ ý ỷ ỹ ỵÀ Á Ả Ã Ạ Ă Ắ Ặ Â Ấ Ậ Đ È É Ẻ Ẽ Ẹ Ê Ề Ế Ể Ễ Ệ Ì Í Ỉ Ĩ Ị Ò Ó Ỏ Õ Ọ Ô Ồ Ố Ổ Ỗ Ộ Ơ Ờ Ớ Ở Ỡ Ợ Ù Ú Ủ Ũ Ụ Ư Ừ Ứ Ử Ữ Ự Ỳ Ý Ỷ Ỹ Ỵ

Without tones //声調なし
Lower case: ă, â, đ, ê, ô, ơ, ư
Upper case: Ă, Â, Đ, Ê, Ô, Ơ, Ư

Listing Vietnamese characters by tones

Tone //声調Lower //小文字Upper //大文字
Phụ âm //Consonant //子音đĐ
Không //No tones //声調なしă, â, ê, ô, ơ, ưĂ, Â, Ê, Ô, Ơ, Ư
Huyền //Declining (dropping) tone //下がり声調à ằ ầ è ề ò ồ ờ ù ừ ỳÀ Ằ Ầ È Ề Ò Ồ Ờ Ù Ừ Ỳ
Sắc //Raising tone //上がり声調á ắ ấ é ế ó ố ớ ú ứ ýÁ Ắ Ấ É Ế Ó Ố Ớ Ú Ứ Ý
Hỏi //Question tone //疑問声調ả ẳ ẩ ẻ ể ỏ ổ ở ủ ử ỷẢ Ẳ Ẩ Ẻ Ể Ỏ Ổ Ở Ủ Ử Ỷ
Ngã //Wave tone //波声調ã ẵ ẫ ẽ ễ õ ỗ ỡ ũ ữ ỹÃ Ẵ Ẫ Ẽ Ễ Õ Ỗ Ỡ Ũ Ữ Ỹ
Nặng //Dot (falling) tone //落ち声調ạ ặ ậ ẹ ệ ọ ộ ợ ụ ự ỵẠ Ặ Ậ Ẹ Ệ Ọ Ộ Ợ Ụ Ự Ỵ

Vietnamese sentence examples
Example 1:
Lời chào hỏi bằng tiếng Việt tới từ nước Mỹ: Cứ đi sẽ đến, cứ tìm sẽ thấy, cứ mơ mộng sẽ thành hiện thực

Example 2:
Cứ đi sẽ đến. Cứ tìm sẽ thấy. Cứ gõ cửa sẽ mở. Cứ mơ mộng sẽ thành hiện thực.
Here's image of Vietnamese character list:

Typing Vietnamese characters: Comparing TELEX, VNI, VIQR, VIQR2 methods

For input Vietnamese characters you can use e.g. Unikey.

TELEX: Using alphabet letters only to type Vietnamese characters with hook/moon, umbrella/roof, and Vietnamese tones. >>See Unikey

VNI: Using number keys to type Vietnamese characters and tones
8 for moon mark: a8 = ă
6 for roof/umbrella: a6 = â, e6 = ê, o6 = ô
7 for hook mark: o7 = ơ, u7 = ư
1 for raising tone: o1 = ó
2 for declining/dropping tone: o2 = ò
3 for questing tone: o3 = ỏ
4 for wave tone: o4 = õ
5 for dot tone: o5 = ọ
9 for đ/Đ: d9 = đ

( for moon mark: a( = ă
^ for roof/umbrella: a^ = â, e^ = ê, o^ = ô
+ for hook mark: o+ = ơ, u+ = ư
' for raising tone: o' = ó
` for declining/dropping tone: o` = ò
? for questing tone: o? = ỏ
~ for wave tone: o~ = õ
. for dot tone: o. = ọ
d for đ/Đ: dd = đ

If you are using a Vietnamese IME like Unikey, it should convert e.g. tie^'ng Vie^.t to tiếng Việt for you. If not, people still understand tie^'ng Vie^.t as tiếng Việt.

VNQR2: Same as VNQR except:
* for hook mark: o* = ơ, u* = ư

Comparison table of TELEX, VNI, VIQR, VIQR2

Vietnamese IME: Unikey


What is Unikey?

Unikey is the most popular Vietnamese IME (input method editor) to input Vietnamese characters.

Official site and download: http://www.unikey.org/

This site is the only official site. Other ones are imposters.

Latest version (as of February, 2018): UniKey 4.2 RC4
UniKey 4.2 RC4, 32 bit, ZIP file: Build 140823 (197 KB). Supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1.
UniKey 4.2 RC4, 64 bit, ZIP file: Build 140823 (229 KB). Supports 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1.

How to install Unikey - most popular Vietnamese input method editor (IME)

Step 1: Download zip file of latest Unikey version from site mentioned above. Unzip it and you'll get two files: UniKeyNT.exe and keymap.txt.

Step 2: Double-click UniKeyNT.exe file to run Unikey.
This is a portable application and requires no installations.

Unikey app icon will show up in taskbar like this with a dark-red 'V' letter:

You can start type Vietnamese now. To turn off Vietnamese typing mode (English typing mode), click app icon ('V' icon), it will change to a blue 'E' icon:

Step 3: Exit Unikey app.
To quit Unikey, right click app icon ('V' or 'E') and choose 'Kết thúc' (Finish).

Right-click > 'Kết thúc' to terminate Unikey

Explaining Unikey app

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Making my VBA Excel functions available everywhere

Register custom VBA functions to Excel

Vietnamese: Đăng ký hàm số VBA của bạn với Excel để chạy mọi lúc, mọi nơi

Step 1: Open or create an Excel file, Windows + Fn + F11 to open Visual Basic Editor, Insert > Module. Input your function.

Step 2: Save as ... > Excel Add-in.
AddIns folder:

For example save as MyFunctions (MyFunctions.xlam)

Step 3: Excel Options > Add-ins > Choose "MyFunctions" (my custom Add-in) > "Go" button
設定(G) button in Japanese Excel.

Set check for "MyFunctions":

Reference: KB

Edit/Removing Custom Functions & Macros

Open an Excel file.
"Developer" tab > "Visual Basic" > Edit or remove (delete) functions and macros.